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Byron Community School District #226

Parent Information » Skyward (District SIS)

Skyward (District SIS)

The SIS Byron School District uses is Skyward. Information on student and parent access can be found within the links below.
What is a SIS?
A Student Information System (SIS) is a management information system used by schools to mange student data.
What data does Byron School District manage with the SIS?
Upon a student being enrolled in Byron Schools, family and demographic information is entered to create a student profile as required under IL state law. Additionally, data pertaining to courses students are enrolled in, grade records, state-mandated assessment scores, and disciplinary records are maintained within Skyward and reported to the state.
With the use of Skyward, Byron Schools has the opportunity to offer our families other services. These include the following:
  • school-to-home communication (e.g. School Messenger)
  • request prearrange student absences
  • real-time access to student data & grades
  • online meal & fee payments
  • customize notifications on grades, attendance, food service balance