District Finances
Per pupil spending is $9,462 for instructional expenses and $17,529 for operational expenses.
Sizing It Up
The district average class size is 18 students compared to the states average of 21.
Health & Wellness
Byron students average 5 days of PE per week compared to the states average of 4 days per week.
Total district enrollment for PK-12 is 1,482.
Student Attendance
The average daily attendance across the district is 95%.
Extraordinary Faculty
Total full time teachers in the district is 110 of which 39.2% have a Bachelor’s degree and 59.9% have a Master’s degree or higher.
Future Prospects
Within 12 months of graduating, 64% of seniors enroll in a 2 or 4 year college.
Exceptional Services
We are a “stand alone” district meaning we house all 27 of our special need services personnel within our district. Currently 16% of our student population qualify for special services.
Social Media
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